Keajaiban udara pagi

I’m so sorry if my blog is less ‘dakwi’. But after thinking for quite a while, I believe that you can always get the ‘bacaan fikrah’ from any books available. And I’m pretty sure that you have not finished reading ALL your books yet, am I right?

So, I decided to emphasis more on my journey and experiences in life. Berlapang dadalah, wahai sahabat-sahabat 🙂

So, we are..

I’ve attended ‘Perkasa Camp’ last week. But for all three days there, I could not feel anything as what my other friends felt at the camp. Emotionless, maybe??

Ouh, who cares.. (LOL, this is soo me!  )

But, I felt empty when all of them shed their tears when the motivator talk about one or two particular things, well, actually most of the things makes them cries. But not me. Seriously I couldn’t feel any of the sad things or just anything that makes me feels touched, wadda loser rite? Lol lol lol..

Yeah, say whatever you wanna say. One thing for sure, I also don’t know how but I could feel that I’ve change. I started to think and think about what have been said by the motivator during the camp. All my friends said that they have started to feel enthusiast to study harder for this sem. And they just got the feeling of truly motivated after being down after almost 3 sems in IB. One thing that I think the factor of I’m not crying during the camp is, I’ve stand on myself with the help of Allah just before I went to the camp.

There is a lot of sharing during the camp. All of the participants, including boys and girls, are so open to share our mind and experiences. Even with the boys, are so open to cry in front of all of us. They’ve thrown away their ego and share few stories and I can feel that they said it directly from their heart, subhanallah..

Just now, on my way to ‘dewan selera’. I bumped onto one of the brothers that have kindly shared his story to all of us. His story was like he’s one of the international athletes playing for Malaysia in Germany a few years back. And it was his dream. He even said, “Mesti korang pelik kan..kalau orang tu couple dengan someone, aku couple dengan something”. And that ‘something’ is hockey stick. He really love hockey. And he got his dream into reality. And of course, he did sacrifice a lot of things to achieve it.

Isn’t it enough to show that he once before was very down and lose his focus but now he’s so spirited.

Hence, why not me?

It’s not the matter of how much you fell but it’s the matter of how much you get up by yourself after you fell.

Huh, I missed the ‘jaulah’ made to Perak today. If only I could share the story with all of you some other day. InsyaAllah..

P/s: need to complete my CAS hours to be approved right next week..
p/ss : lpe lak..untuk info ‘keajaiban udara pagi’ sila tanye pakcik google ^^

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